The Law Revue: Who Killed Harold Holt?

Written and Performed by…



    Oscar Hales is a sketch writer, theatre director and performer based in Naarm/Melbourne. With a passion for history and dramaturgy, he is currently the historical consultant for the MKA: Theatre of New Writing, ProEnglish Theatre Ukraine and the Ukraine Fringe Festival - though he hasn’t actually been consulted yet. Because none of this shit ever makes money he also works at Woolies. Oscar performed in the MudCrabs show “Inspector Sydney Catchlove” (2022), his own sellout one man show “A Real Boy?” (2022), the 2023 Law Revue “Yeahahaha” and he has hosted the Warrandyte Film Festival twice (2023 and 2024). In addition to his neurotic love for history and fanatic consumption of dull books, Oscar is also a ventriloquist which is most likely a cry for help. Next year Oscar is starting law at the University of Melbourne and hopes to work for the unions, because if there is anything the Labour movement needs it is more upper middle class uni students getting involved.


    Max Flett is a young comedian in the Melbourne scene. He has a fear that perhaps he will soon no longer be the youngest anymore...then what does he have going for him? He wrote and performed in a stand-up show for the 2024 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. It was about quitting vaping. He has since relapsed...So much for laughter being the best medicine. 

    You may remember Max Flett from such performances as a high speed vehicle pursuit on Lygon St, or that party where you got trapped talking to a bloke at the kitchen sink for an hour about how "7-11 coffee is just straight-up better."

  • CAST


    They tried to get rid of her but Bailey Bliss is back for round two of the Law Revue! Having written and performed in last year’s show, most known for playing Timothée Chalamet better than Timothée Chalamet, Bailey is ready to accept the title of two hit wonder. Bailey is in her second year of a BFA in Screenwriting at The Victorian College of the Arts, where she can write films about disembowelment and no one is allowed to say otherwise. Bailey was involved in devising “So Camp” for last year’s Melbourne Fringe in which she played…Talia’s lover? Again? These type casts are crazy! (Talia if you see this I love you.) Found guilty of too many puns in one sketch, Bliss is confirmed to be armed and dangerous – laugh at your own risk.

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    Talia (she/her) is a writer, performer, and self proclaimed “troublemaker” currently undertaking her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Screenwriting at Victorian College of the Arts. She was a writer and cast member in the 2023 Melbourne Fringe Festival production “So Camp!”, which was acclaimed by one reviewer to be “Not as bad as expected”. Talia has numerous admirers, one of which being her cast-mate Bailey Bliss. When asked whether Bailey’s fondness of her would affect their performance, she responded “Why are you in my house? Get out of my house, you big freak! This is private property!”. How Charming.

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    Tim was born at a very young age, and has been living ever since. He studied languages at Monash University and now earns his humble living by teaching English to foreign students. In his spare time he likes to play mahjong, learn languages, and stare vacantly towards the horizon. His comedy career reached its soaring peak when he was nine years of age. He was featured in his local newspaper and heralded as a stand-up comedy legend under the tutelage of iconic comedian Mandy Nolan. But life is hard at the top and his legend quickly faded, along with his cute factor. These days his jokes are lucky to elicit an irritated groan. Even if you’re not laughing with him, he hopes that you’ll at least laugh at him. Enjoy the show!


    Lost cat? Lost keys? Lost? Call me and I’ll find ‘em. Got a party planned? Call me and I’ll be there to gather everyone in the fireplace room and explain what happened... even if nothing’s happened. Sharwood PI, you can totally find us in the Yellow Pages.


    Bridget is a writer, reformed theatre kid, mediocre at best tap dancer and professional youngest child. A graduate from UniMelb with a Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing, Bridget is an aspiring publishing nepo baby (heavy on the aspiring, light on the nepo) who has ambivalent feelings towards the Oxford comma. Bridget is a repeat Law Revue offender, but swears she had nothing to do with the disappearance of Harold Holt, as she was conveniently not alive in 1967. According to her cover letter template, she “thrives under pressure”, which is why she decided to also take on additional producing duties for this year’s show. Bridget would like to give a shoutout to her parents, who have been in the audience of every school musical, dance recital, university production that was for some reason performed in German, and now, sketch comedy show.


    Grace Curnow is a singer, songwriter and writer (wow this sounds repetitive, why is there a word for everything these days?) and poet. She is currently studying the most basic b*tch degree UniMelb has to offer – a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology. Grace had a brief retirement from professional acting following her starring role as baby Simba in her school’s year 8 production, but in all seriousness she feels like the Law Revue has reignited her inner lioness! She performs her songs weekly at open mics around Brunswick and beyond, and about 500 times that to her housemate. The Law Revue to Grace is a chance to become sillier, share her oozing creativity and passion for the power of language. She is a softie who believes that humour is a means of sharing love to oneself and to others. As they say a laugh a day keeps the doctor away, but Grace adds “a laugh a minute keeps the human spirit a livin.”


    Belal Hassoun, aka Belal Snackpack, is a young standout comedian known for his sharp wit and engaging storytelling. Based in Melbourne, he not only performs at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, but also runs popular comedy rooms throughout the city. As a talented writer and actor, Belal’s unique blend of cultural insights and dynamic delivery ensures that audiences are consistently entertained. His proudest achievement in comedy to date is the title of Pauline Hanson's favourite comic.


    Archer Drummond is a sketch comedy writer and actor based in Naarm/Melbourne. He is currently in his second year studying a Bachelor of Design, majoring in Architecture and Graphic Design at the University of Melbourne…which coincidently is the same university Harold Holt attended?????

    Archer’s dislikes include Myki Inspectors, and people from Brunswick. Because he is a broke-ass uni student living in the western suburbs of Melbourne he also works part-time as a bartender.

    But on another note, Harold Holt introduced the Australian dollar, increased immigration and took steps to dismantle the ‘White Australia Policy’, but who made him disappear? the CIA…or Archer!

  • Special thanks to:

    Pascale Fester-Bell, Dena Tissera, Charlotte Wessel and Elliot Wood for being our guinea pig audience and helping us polish the show

    Stephen Hall for running a fantastic comedy writing workshop with us

    Alec Farrow for his brilliant photography skills (@farrow_photo)

Proudly supported by the Melbourne Law Students’ Society, the University of Melbourne Theatre Board, Union House Theatre and UMSU Creative Arts