2018: The Cake

30 August - 8 September

Guild Theatre, Union House, Melbourne


Directors: Madi Savage & Isabelle Knight

Producer: James Cameron

Assistant Producers: Nat Montalto, Anjali Iyer, Callum O’Dowd & Olivia Fleming


Finn McGrath

Lizzie John

Annabelle Ots

Kaivu Suvarna

Shona Warren

Eamon Dunphy

Lucy Rossen

Sweeny Preston

Millie Holten

Dan Crowley

“Melbourne Uni’s infamous comedy group is back, with more outrageously funny sketches and edgy entertainment than ever before”

“The best thing about The Cake is that not every sketch is for everybody, but there’s something in it for everyone. That’s what happens when you get a sharp, creative group of funny people together – they make something weird, and bold, and unexpected.”

— The Dialog

“Melbourne Uni Law Revue’s 2018 show took my comedy tastebuds one hell of a flavourful tour. The Cake is aptly named – slices of sweet, saucy, silly deliciousness are offered to their grateful audience with flair and finesse. ”

“The ten absurdly good cast members navigate us from Harold Holt to Julius Caesar. It’s a show made to be referenced and quoted, to the bemusement of the poor souls who missed it. The lucky ones of us who saw it will relish saying smugly; “you had to be there”.

— Caitlin Wilson


2019: My Mum's Y2K Party


2017: Sketchual Healing